Who Else Hates Saying Goodbye?

John Chang
4 min readFeb 4, 2016
Rainy-day on a train-Shlomit-Wolf via Unsplash

Well, I made it — Day 31 of this #My500words challenge. Unfortunately it’s ending on a bittersweet note, as I’m struggling to bang out a few words before I need to host a talk on Blab. Most likely you’ll read this well after we’ve met, but here’s the link to this talk about building teams for digital nomads.

For some strange reason Steam decided to update itself this morning.. really? During probably the busiest time of day? Who’s the project manager on that one?

In any case, life is what happens while we make plans. Speaking of which..

So, I was thinking again about the experience for these past 30 days and what it means going forward.

I know what I want to explore in my writing, but I’m curious - what are you interested in reading?

Where do we want go from here?

Some of my current curiosity includes mirror neurons and what they mean in our lives. Other topics that I’m interested in exploring include indie creatives and artist entrepreneurs, entertainment news, the digital nomad lifestyle, and food & travel, of course.

On a more personal (and maybe deeper) level, I want to dive into learning how to balance romance with personal freedom. This includes finding happiness while being true to yourself. How do you get what you want with minimal conflict? If conflicts come up, what are the healthiest ways do you resolve them?

Well, I got over 200 words anyway before this talk — I’ll finish afterward..

Clouds of Time via giphy

Okay.. and we’re back. Now I’m racing against the clock for another Skype call with a student.

The Blab chat had a great energy, and both the guest and I see a lot of potential to develop it further.

Plus, I need to get out a report for a client, and I still have to come up with my next entertainment news article.

Such is life right now.

How Do You Choose Your One Thing?

This reminds me again of what my friend Bill Belew said — that if the devil can’t stop you from doing something good, he’ll give you so much to do that you don’t do anything right.

That’s probably the biggest challenge that indie creatives face — it’s not from a lack of ideas. It’s picking and choosing which idea to run with.

Which curiosity is the most interesting? Which project is worth pursuing? Which lead will turn out to be the most profitable?

I had no idea where tango would take me..

I had no idea that looking into field inspection work would lead to other opportunities..

I had no idea how writing has become such an important part of my life.

And yet through it all, what amazes me the most is how the zen koan that “the more we seek, the less we find” is so true.

To Be Continued..

While the Western world is all about striving and achieving, I’ve seen it in my own life and in the lives of some of the most successful people I know — that often the very thing you grasp out will only elude you.

How do we do the work without attachment to results? How do we commit to something with faith — even when we’re not sure of the outcome? Probably out of all the things I’m curious about, these are the most heart-centered questions for me right now.

Thanks for joining me on these 31 Days of this #My500words challenge. I hate goodbyes, so let’s just say, “See you later, alligator. After a while..”


Follow my journey as an indie creative on Butterfly Formula. Catch more stories of my digital nomad and food travel adventures at Tango Vagabond.

Connect with a group of indie creatives and entrepreneurs who won’t let you fail on Monday nights.

As mentioned, it looks like we’re going to continue our talks with digital nomads interested in a location independent lifestyle.

As always, I invite you to connect with me on LinkedIn. (Be sure to mention that we met here on Medium, okay?)

And last but not least, check out my latest entertainment stories on Blasting News.

Thanks for reading! Stay in touch!



John Chang

sharing #IndieCreative entrepreneur’s journeys - author, speaker, film maker, part-time world traveller, full-time foodie, poker addict, tango dancer